Note that you can delete the contents of a cell that has a drop-down menu in it by pressing delete or backspace on the keyboard, and your drop-down list / data validation will still be present. I will go over the various ways to create the drop-down, how to copy the drop-downs to other cells, and what different settings in the data validation menu will do. A drop-down will now be present in the cell that you selectedīelow I will go over several examples of creating a drop-down and applying data validation in Google Sheets.

If you choose, "List of items", list the items for your drop-down list, separated by commas.Under the "Criteria" selection, choose between "List of items", or "List from a range".Click "Data validation" (Another menu will appear).
On the top toolbar, click "Data" (A menu will appear).Select the cell / range of cells that you want to create a drop-down list in.To create a drop-down list in Google Sheets, follow these steps: